M6 Self Explanation

  • Due No due date
  • Points 4
  • Questions 4
  • Time Limit None


Answer the questions about this week's readings. You CAN work together on this with others in the class, but you CANNOT directly copy/paste or directly quote each other. You must put this into your own words. 

This is set up like quiz because you will be asked to answer specific questions.  This is NOT timed. You can save your work and return to it at another time. 

You will need to answer 4 questions for each section

  1. Describe the information that was new to you. 
  2. How do these ideas/information work with or relate to what you already know? 
  3. Why do these ideas/information work together? Provide an example. 
  4. List two "I wonder" questions you have as a result of reading this section. 

Here is a good example: 

Good Example


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